Volunteer Opportunities:
Head Coach | Assistant Coach |
Dugout Parent | Concession Stand |
Grounds Maintenance | Volunteer (General) |
Board Member
Click here to register, signup and submit a request for a background check today! Then complete the Abuse Awareness training.
All chartered local Little League volunteers are required to adhere to the Child Protection Requirements:
1. Complete Annual Background Check
2. Mandatory Annual Training & Continuing Education:
A. Complete an Abuse Awareness Training provided by Little League International.
** Important Notes:
- You must create an account.
- Under your profile, be sure to +join and select 'IOWA DISTRICT 5' as your Little League - Local Leagues.
B. Once training is complete submit a copy of your emailed certification to FDMLL by:
- Print a copy and turn into your commissioner, safety officer, coach or board member.
3. Mandatory Reporting Requirements Report Child Abuse
4. Non-Retaliation for Reporting
5. Prohibit One-on-One Interactions a background check.